
.... more than just a vet

We do not just treat the symptoms

We find the cause and solve the problem

Guarantor of a healthy herd


About us

With Ø-Vet you get a team of professional pig veterinarians who all make their time for you and your herd.


We prioritise professionalism and thoroughness, do the necessary diagnostics and provide specific input for optimising production.


We are your guarantee for a healthy production.

Professionelle Grisedyrlæger ø-vet



We teach many different types of courses. Among other things, we offer courses in handling of medicine, necropsy, liquid feeding, pathology i.e. both courses approved by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and courses targeted pig producers.


For the pig pen

GIS card

Eradication / PRRS

Talking about eradication, the first step is to make a GIS card (Geographical Information System card). The GIS card shows your farm’s position relative to other farms in a 5-km zone plus a calculation of the infection risk of PRRS.


Feed and water

Fusarium toxins in the feed can cause reduced growth and appetite among pigs plus lead to more returns to oestrus and a low farrowing rate. It is therefore good to take your precautions both during harvesting, storing and feeding.


African swine fever

There are still outbreaks of African swine fever in Europe and some of the trucks driving to Denmark drive in the affected areas. You must therefore still be careful with the external biosecurity.

Meet our pig veterinarians

All veterinarians have a lot of experience with pig production, disease control, epidemiology, diagnostics etc. Furthermore, we all have specific competencies and areas of responsibility.

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